Tyler Erickson Masterclass Live 2
Session 2 – February 11, 2024 (4pm ET | NYC Time)
Warm up your hands before Week 2 because Tyler will be diving deep into his knowledge of hardcore—but tremendously useful—card sleights. If you’re currently not looking to learn any hard moves, don’t worry. While the sleights are covered in tremendous detail, the surrounding ideas on theory, choreography, and motivation are incredibly helpful for improving your performance as a whole. As always, the emphasis is on working surrounded or close to it, so your efforts will be good for more than just a webcam.
Tyler will also be letting loose one of his most cherished secrets—a nearly instantaneous Diagonal Palm Shift. This unique variation does not telegraph compared to many other versions, and you’ll be learning a direct Card Under Box routine so you can put it into action right away. This is ridiculously beautiful, and a must-watch for anyone who is a fan of sleight-of-hand card magic. Also included is a pass designed for the standing performer, invisible to a seated audience from almost any angle… Including underneath! (Super useful for the stage or strolling)
Week 2 even covers a modern classic: Sponge Balls. Much like the previously taught Coins Across, this brief routine was specifically chosen to be both strong and practical, but also because it is a perfect way to leverage a false transfer for maximum impact. Tyler shares his Retention of Vision transfer, which not only looks great head-on, but also from both the right and left! He also includes the Al Schneider Transfer, one of the best sleights for universal application, and his preferred first choice when it comes to basics.
Best of all, Tyler is joined by his good friend and long term student (since he was 8!) Nick Diffatte. Nick purposefully chose not to revisit the Coins Across and Sponge Routine he had learned long ago, specifically so you could see what had stuck and what had gotten rusty. This gives the session a human feel, where you can get a sneak peek into professional training and the real-time discussions it provokes.