Toxic-Less by Dale Moore
Imagine the ability to very cleanly and directly predict a number using only your iPhone Calculator app? You may be thinking, “Yeah but, hasn’t this been done before?” Yes! In fact, “TOXIC” has been one of the most used number prediction methods in modern mentalism! However, recent IOS updates have threatened the usability of the classic method. It is essentially broken. So what can we do? Enter Dale Moore! Not only has Dale solved the IOS update issue, but has simplified the routine down to just the click of a button! Instantly get into the effect without needing to do anything suspicious on your phone moments before performing. The effect is 100% automated and can be set up way in advance, or cleverly during the performance in a way that will not rouse any suspicion! Looking for a Non-Toxic solution? Give “Toxic-Less” by Dale Moore a try!