Predictagram by Owen Garfield
Predictagram allows you to make predictions on YOUR Instagram – of ANYTHING… It perfectly (and automatically) duplicates your existing Instagram to hide in plain sight as something your audience sees every day.
While scrolling past your genuine photos and with no funny moves, any named prediction is input right under the spectators nose.
- No switches
- Update the app to your CURRENT Instagram photos with the push of a button
- Fully customize using your own photos – or use the pre-loaded revelations we give you.
If you can scroll, you can perform this effect… It’s that easy.
- Rack up followers
- Ignite your brand
- Perform predictions of ANYTHING
As a perfect replica, Predictagram looks and feels like your own instagram… IT EVEN SUPPORTS DARK MODE.
BONUS FEATURE: As soon as a card is input in Predictagram the number of likes changes to the position of that card in Mnemonica. You don’t need to even know the stack to use this feature.
Eg. The 6 of spades will show 15 likes. Now you’re set-up for a ridiculously clean ACAAN.
Download Predictagram TODAY.