Koda by David Peace
“That’s extremely clever! This isn’t just a PIN code reveal, it’s a multi phase PIN code routine.”
John Morton
Revealing a spectator’s private PIN code is one of the most powerful mentalism effects you can perform. With Koda, you will be able to create the illusion you can do precisely that.
Koda is an ingenious, sequential stack of PIN codes created by Irish magician David Peace. Within his innovative stack you will find:
1465, 8199, 4122, 4824, 0555…
Can you see the pattern? That’s because it’s invisible. Each four-digit number appears entirely random, yet you’ll successfully discern your participant’s selection without the need to commit a single PIN code to memory. What’s more, to ramp up reactions, you can utilise Koda with multiple participants at the same time.
You will get instant access to an hour-long video tutorial where David will walk you through his original, easy-to-grasp secret. Afterwards he’ll teach you an alternative method by Jack Curtis which is arguably even easier to perform. Finally you’ll learn three impactful mentalism routines accompanied by unedited live demonstrations, allowing you to study and enjoy Koda’s simplicity and power.
Effect One – Direct Reveal
You explain you have an uncanny ability to reveal people’s PIN codes. Rather than publicly exposing your participant’s sensitive information, you introduce a stack of random PINs to have one selected and committed to memory. True to your claim, digit by digit, you are able to successfully reveal the PIN code they are thinking of, leaving your participant wanting to run for the hills!