Al Mann – Bert Reese Docimasy
The fabulous exploits of Bert Reese-Wonder Worker. Many insights and secrets of his work NEVER BEFORE REVEALED. His routine. His Life. His billet technique is a classic that has never been bettered. It stands leagues high over any other billet presentation yet conceived. With the information contained in this book, the reader can duplicate the Bert Reese act and create AMAZEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE!Bert Reese earned a high fee and associated with the elite of the world.
- Bert Reese Fortune Teller
- Reese and Houdini
- Reese and Aleister Crowley
- Reese and Edison
- Reese Billet technique in Detail
- Reese in Action
- The umbrella move in Action
- The pellet switch -4 versions
- Reese and the center tear
- Plus much more.